Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Shōgatsu is New Year in Japanese y and the most important celebration in the calendar. In ancient times, this date coincided with the Chinese calendar, in early spring; but since 1873 this date was matched with the Gregorian calendar and therefore it coincides with January 1st.

The celebrations last three days, during which only the most necessary jobs are done, and people spend most of the time with their families. It is a costume to play traditional games and to cook special plates for the event. They also organize a full house cleaning as a preparation for the decoration with kadomatsu, decorative pines that represent longevity.

Traditionally, the kadomatsu must be placed on December 13th because after that date it is forbidden to chop pines from the mountains. These decorative trees remain until January 15th.

During the celebrations they give the seibo, gifts chosen for those who helped them during the year. And on January 1st, every letter that was in the post office is delivered in a special annual delivery.

It is also very important to pay off debts before New Year.

Unión La Plata Dojo wants to greet every integrant of the Dojo, their families and friends and wish them a prosperous New Year, with a lot of refreshed energy for 2010.

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