Friday, September 19, 2008


These are some phrases from O’ Sensei found by our fellow and friend Nahuel Lombardi.

Each one of us is miniature universe, a living chapel.

You must always practice with happiness.

Aikido trains the spirit men and evokes the spirit of peace.

Progress comes to those who train and train; the confidence in secret techniques leads to nowhere.

Iron if full of impurities; through forging it, it becomes steel and becomes a sharp sword. Human been develops the same way.

Hurting an opponent is hurting oneself. Controlling the aggression without hurting is the Art of Peace.

Aikido is not interested in throwing people.
It is not related to indulgence.
Its purpose is not to take lives.
It is the way to unify mind, body and spirit.

O Sensei
Ueshiba Morihei
Aikido Founder

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