Aikido is an art oriented to defense, with a deep philosophical basis, in which the defender redirects the movements and energy of the attack to its opponent. It is practiced by women and men with no matter in height, weight or age. It is one of the most difficult martial arts.
On December 14th 1883 in the small town of Tanabe, close to Osaka - Japan, the master Morihei Ueshiba, was born, a tiny and weak person who would fell sick frequently. His father, concerned for his health, made him practice sumo; with time his interest in Budo (Martial Arts) started to grow and spent plenty of time practicing the old techniques of the samurai warriors (yawara, aikijutsu, kenjutsu, tanto jutsu, naginata jutsu, tambo-jojutsu (Bo – long staff) and other).
In 1924 master Ueshiba was visited by different practitioners of martial arts who wanted to enrich themselves with his technical and spiritual knowledge about Budo. Added to that, government authorities, the army, the royalty and important politicians were also interested in him.
At that time, Ueshiba understood that his discipline should be thought to gain and keep peace among human been, feeling in harmony, to accept and encourage consciousness and love which knows of no enemy; and that was the reason why master Ueshiba decided to name his art Aikido.
The “AIKIDO” word is composed of three ideograms:
On December 14th 1883 in the small town of Tanabe, close to Osaka - Japan, the master Morihei Ueshiba, was born, a tiny and weak person who would fell sick frequently. His father, concerned for his health, made him practice sumo; with time his interest in Budo (Martial Arts) started to grow and spent plenty of time practicing the old techniques of the samurai warriors (yawara, aikijutsu, kenjutsu, tanto jutsu, naginata jutsu, tambo-jojutsu (Bo – long staff) and other).
In 1924 master Ueshiba was visited by different practitioners of martial arts who wanted to enrich themselves with his technical and spiritual knowledge about Budo. Added to that, government authorities, the army, the royalty and important politicians were also interested in him.
At that time, Ueshiba understood that his discipline should be thought to gain and keep peace among human been, feeling in harmony, to accept and encourage consciousness and love which knows of no enemy; and that was the reason why master Ueshiba decided to name his art Aikido.
The “AIKIDO” word is composed of three ideograms:
So, Aikido is a path. It is understood as a way of living to improve not only mind and body but also our spirit. It is very difficult to talk intellectually about Aikido and to define it in terms of physical development, psychic process, or moral value. It is all that at the same time.
But… What is Aikido? This is a difficult question at which it is not possible to give a satisfactory answer at first.
The best answer to understand it, acknowledge it, and study it is, doubtlessly, practicing it.
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